CUNY Astro is a community of City University of New York affiliated astronomers, astrophysicists, and astro-boosters who come together to collaborate in research, learning, teaching, and supporting each other in our love of the cosmos. Research in a wide array of topics is carried out by faculty members, students, and postdoctoral researchers at each member’s home institution as well as in conjunction with research facility programs at the American Museum of Natural History’s Astrophysics Department and the Flatiron Institute Center for Computational Astrophysics.
Research Areas: Galaxy Formation and Evolution, Active Galactic Nuclei, Black Holes, Star Formation, Low Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs, Time-Domain Astronomy, Interstellar Medium, Giant Planets, Gamma-ray Astrophysics, Compact Objects, Remote Observations with Small Telescopes
Astrophysics at CUNY Colleges:
City Tech (Brooklyn), Hunter (Manhattan), York (Queens), College of Staten Island, Macaulay Honors College (Manhattan), Lehman (Bronx), BMCC (Manhattan), LaGuardia (Queens), Queensboro (Queens), Queens (Queens), and the Graduate Center (Manhattan).
Affiliated Institutions:
American Museum of Natural History, New York University, Columbia University, Flatiron Institute Center for Computational Astrophysics (CCA)
CUNY Physics PhD Program
– Graduate program in Physics and Astronomy. Includes 12 month stipend and benefits for 5 years. Application Deadline: January.
CUNY Astrophysics Master’s Program
– Graduate program in Astrophysics. Includes 12 month stipend and benefits for 2 years. Application Deadline: March.
AMNH/CUNY NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU)
– Summer research opportunity open to all undergraduates. Includes summer stipend. Application Deadline: Jan/February.
AstroCom NYC
– Multi-year research fellowships and intensive mentoring for CUNY undergraduates interested in pursing graduate work in Astronomy. Includes 12 month stipend for up to 2 years. Application Deadline: mid-October.
– Brown Dwarf Research at AMNH, Hunter College-CUNY, and Macaulay Honors College-CUNY.
CUNY Research Scholars Program
– Research experience for undergraduates at CUNY campuses with two-year degree programs. Application procedures vary from campus to campus.
FAST Faculty And Student Team Initiative
– Research projects connected with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey collaboration.
CUNYAstro Writes Open Letter to Chancellor on Arrests at CCNY
The CUNYAstro Faculty have voted in the majority to send the following letter to Chancellor Félix V. Matos Rodríguez. Please click on the link to read it:
CUNYAstro congratulates Dr. Mark Popinchalk!
On Wednesday 26 July 2023, there was a successful dissertation defense by (now) Dr. Mark Popinchalk. Dr. Popinchalk has been working with BDNYC for over 7 years (as an American Museum of Natural History
educator and then as a PhD student). His Dissertation was entitled Rotation Period Distributions and Light Curve Morphologies of Low Mass Stars and Young Associations.
Dr. Mark Popinchalk in front of the Hayden Planetarium
CUNYAstro has a New Doctor: Dr. Yuzhe Song, PhD
Dr. Song successfully defended his PhD thesis “Stacking the Gamma-ray Sky to Search for Faint Astrophysical Populations” advised by Prof. Timothy Paglione. While it is sad to see him go, we look forward to watching for all the great things he will do in the future!

Prof. Timothy Paglione (left) and Dr. Yuzhe (Robert) Song (right)
Check out the News Archive for more!
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